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I agree to adhere to the CA-IGF 2023 UN-IGF Code of Conduct*
Those who take part in any Internet Governance Forum (IGF) multi-stakeholder process (in-person meetings, virtual meetings, mailing list discussions, etc.) agree to: Treat all members of the IGF community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation; all stakeholders of the IGF community should treat each other with civility, both face to face and online. Focus discussion or remarks on issues rather than on particular actors, whether they be individuals, groups, organizations or governments, and refrain from ad hominem attacks. Act in a reasonable, objective and informed manner when participating in and/or using any IGF discussion platform. Listen and respect the views of all stakeholders when considering IGF policy issues. The IGF is a multistakeholder environment and those who take part in IGF meetings and inter-sessional activities should acknowledge the importance of all stakeholders and seek to understand their points of view. Facilitate transparency and openness when participating in Internet governance-related policy discussions. Act fairly and in good faith with other participants in IGF processes. Promote ethical and responsible behavior. Ethics and integrity are essential, and the IGF expects all stakeholders to behave in a responsible and principled way. Failure to adhere to the above guidelines and principles may result in removal from IGF Secretariat-hosted activities. More information at

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